Last weekend we visited family and friends in our hometown area of Marinette, Wisconsin and Menominee, Michigan.
With the warmer weather and plenty of rain, everything was green and growing fast especially my father-in-law Howard’s apple orchard.
While he keeps busy with many activities in retirement, his apple orchard with over 50 trees including multiple varieties from Snowsweeet to Honeycrisp and a few others is his pride and joy.
He spends hours each week caring for the trees including pruning, watering and overall maintenance of the orchard. We are very thankful to receive the fruits of his labor each fall with fresh apples as well my mother-in-law Renee’s applesauce, dried apples, and other baked goods.
The orchard looks especially healthy this year! Howard shared part of the reason it’s doing so well is based on what he has learned from an online learning community called “Backyard Apple Growers” on Facebook. With over 30,000 members and multiple posts each day, he’s gained a ton of insight that he applied to the trees in his orchard.
While apple trees might not be your passion, there’s likely an online learning community available for just about every topic.
I belong to a few groups including the “Learning & Development Professionals Club” on LinkedIn tied to my profession as well as World War II and book publishing groups tied to publishing my grandpa’s book that have been helpful to me too!

So whether you are an aspiring Johnny Appleseed, professional looking for opportunities to grow in your career or you want to learn about just about any topic, consider searching for an online learning community!
Learn In The Flow Of Life