Last week I had a cold for the first time in a long time. I woke up feeling a little off on Tuesday, but I was able to continue with my morning routine - stretch, daily devotion, Daily Stoic, read a book and excercise.
My morning routine has helped me in so many ways, but I didn't know how to put my finger on how or why. Then I read Charles Duhigg's, "The Power of Habit." He describes that "keystone habits start a process that, over time, transforms everything."
Did you know? If you are looking for additional examples of "keystone habits," read this article: 11 Keystone Habit Examples To Change Your Life.
Back to last week for a moment, by Tuesday night I decided that extra rest would be more important than my morning routine so I set my alarm a hour later and "slept in."
Now missing a day of my "keystone habits" wasn't the end of the world but I realized how important my morning routine was to my physical and mental wellbeing.
This hour is 100% dedicated to meditation, reading, and exercising. By committing to this daily routine I am investing in my mind, body and spirit.
I feel like I am a better husband, father, friend, son, brother, coworker, leader, coach and all the roles I play in life through this investment in daily "keystone habits." These habits also help me eat better, sleep better, pushing me to make decisions to pursue my "best self."
Now you may not be a "morning person" and prefer a different timeline but not matter what, there's value in starting daily habits that can have a significant impact on your well-being.
Did you know? If you are looking to build habits, both James Clear and Charles Duhigg have great insights to implement a process that builds positive habits. They both start with cues that can be as simple as putting on your workout clothes or a notification on your phone that starts the habit loop.
What are your keystone habits? If you don't know or don't think you have keystone habits, explore the information I shared and reach out to chat about the topic. I am happy to help and also eager to learn from your experiences.
Learn In The Flow Of Life