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Learning through the publishing process

It's been over a month since I shared the blog post, "Could I ever publish a book?" Since then there's been tremendous progress on the book, "A Soldier's Song: The World War II Diary of Sergeant Jack Anderson."

Kim Rodgers, founder of True Path Studio has been an amazing partner and collaborator on the book, bringing great ideas for design, exploring the ins and outs of the publishing process and going through each and every page of the book to ensure the 1st edition meets a high quality standard.

She and I met multiple times to discuss items that needed clarification. Some items could be resolved immediately and others took a little more research. A couple examples include:

What is a director? I reached out to my uncle Steve and cousin John to ask. They both shared that my grandpa was likely referencing the director used to help aim their 40mm anti-aircraft gun. Kim added a glossary to the end of the book to help readers understand some of the terminology like director.

Did his friend go by Kip or Kipp Todd? We found both spellings and decided that Kipp was right. Shortly after I found a picture of his friend and found Kip written on the photo instead so I continued researching and found a letter signed, Kip. We found our answer!

What was the MRS? We searched far and wide for the term in various online resources and while we found many references, nothing seemed to fit. I was ready to give up the search and decided to take one last look at some papers of my grandpa's and there it was, the Military Railway Service!

I am learning a lot through the process, and it feels like every hour I spend on the book is like spending another hour with my grandpa, which considering he passed away over 14 years ago is pretty special!

We are getting close! Wednesday I expect to have a "proof copy" of the book in my hands for final review and updates before publishing. I will be sure to share with all of you when we have a firm date for the book release!

Learn In The Flow Of Life


Note: Follow my Facebook page for updates on the book.

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