The Beatles song 🎵 “With A Little Help From My Friends” includes these lines, “How do you feel by the end of the day? Are you sad because you’re on your own? No, I get by with a little help from my friends.”
I was thinking about these lines and this song as I watched Sammy, our almost 17 year old dog taking her first daily walk with me this morning using her new wheelchair.
I hooked Sammy up to the device and she shot out of the garage, down the driveway and onto our road faster than she’s traveled in fast that I had to run to catch up!
While Sammy can’t talk, you can see it in her eyes how happy she was on her walk with her new set of wheels!
She needed help and Heather stepped up to not only order the wheelchair but advocate for her need when it was delayed due to a shipping issue, and assembled and adjusted the chair to ensure it fit Sammy perfectly.
I am certain that each of has or will experience challenges that could benefit from a little help from our friends.
Or maybe there’s someone in your life that could use a little help from their friends, like my aunt and uncle who are facing some health challenges and are relying not only on doctors to provide medical care, but family, friends and neighbors to help them through their time of need.
So, what did I learn?
It’s an honor to be able to help family and friends whether human or furry.
It feels good to help.
I’m learning about dog wheelchairs, care options for those who are aging and more.
I can use my strengths to fulfill the vision of Tom Rath’s book: It's Not About You: A Brief Guide to a Meaningful Life
Learn In The Flow Of Life
And sometimes when you need help you discover you have a lot more friends than you thought.