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I started Learn In The Flow Of Life after a coworker commented that my learning posts on LinkedIn extended beyond learning at work to learning in the flow of life.  I was inspired to share my learning experiences and expertise with the world.  I am hopeful you are inspired too!

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A Soldier’s Song

The World War II Diary Of Sergeant Jack Anderson

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Master your mind, master your game

This is the tag line for White House Sport Psychology founded by Tim White. My daughter Hannah and I had a chance to meet Tim as part...

Maximize your learning

Have you ever read something interesting or learned something through a video or class that you thought would be helpful but days later...

First Day Of 41st Grade

Today your social media feed is likely going to be filled with pictures of kids on their first day of school holding signs that indicate...

Setting expectations

Early in my career I was introduced to a book called, “First Break All The Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently.” by...

Learning moments of need

I had an important learning need pop up unexpectedly Monday morning. Heather just let our dog Leia outside and I heard a cracking noise....

What are my strengths?

I've been a huge believer in Gallup/Clifton Strengthsfinder ever since I read the book, Now Discover Your Strengths. The book includes...

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Benjamin Franklin

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

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Recording Studio

Podcast Appearances 

I've had the honor of appearing on podcasts and other media where I share my messages about learning, coaching, leadership, and more. Listen and watch via the links below. 

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